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A Rule of Life

A rule of life is a commitment to live your life in a particular way, serving as a tool that can help you make decisions about your life.  This outline of a Rule is designed to get you asking the questions you need to ask, to frame your life as much as possible in keeping with God's purposes for you. Remember that a Rule is between you and God-you commit to it freely, and God's grace is with you both when you are fulfilling it and when you fall short of your aim.

Knowing God

What regular practice of reading Scripture works for you?
What habits of prayer do you already have, and how can you realistically bring more and deeper prayer into your life?

Remembering God's Presence

What daily practices remind you of God's presence? What weekly practices?
How can you observe special times and seasons like Advent, Lent, the great celebrations and fast days of the Christian calendar?


Keeping Sabbath

How can you bring balance to your regular pattern of work, rest and play?
Do you need more space for renewal in your life, e.g. A retreat or longer "sabbatical"?


Sharing the Life of God's people

What is your commitment to worship and other regular activities of the church?
What other commitments to individuals and groups do you have, and how do you live out your faith within them?
How do you reach beyond those you know, to discover God in the stranger?


Serving God's Creation

How can you put yourself in a position to "seek and serve Christ in all persons"?
How do you focus on the beauty of creation and protection of its integrity?



What has God entrusted in your care and how do you use it? (Time, talent, treasure)?What do you need to do to be healthy in your own mind, body and spirit?
What opportunities are there to continue lifelong learning and develop your gifts?



How, and how often, do you review your commitments to God and to other people?
Is there someone with whom you share the joys and challenges of discipleship?



 The People of St. James' Cathedral 



The Rt. Rev. David Greenwood, Bishop

The Rev. Canon Terry Leer, Interim Priest-in-Charge

The Rt. Rev. John Clarke, Archbishop (Retired)



Rector's Warden- Dave Cambridge

People's Warden - Rose Gish

Treasurer - Stacie Cambridge

Irene Goddard

Wanda Laurin

Cheryl Anderson

Sherri Lizotte

Holly McAllister

Sarah Craigen

Donna Calvo 



The wardens, along with the clergy, are responsible for taking a leading role in ensuring, that to the greatest degree possible, the local parish is effectively managed, provides a high level of spiritual and pastoral care, and pursues the mission of the church.
The wardens also serve as advisers and confidants to the rector on a regular basis and have diocesan responsibilities, including ensuring that the constitution, canons, regulations of the diocese and the bylaws of the parish are adhered to within the parish.

The wardens, along with the treasurers, are the signing officers for the parish.

Rector’s Warden: Dave Cambridge

People’s Warden: Rose Gish is the representative of the parishioners, she brings any concerns they may have to the vestry. She also takes on a lead role in any social functions held for the parish.



Sunday School

We provide binders with games and puzzles related to the reading for the week, as well as colouring and blank pages; they are geared towards kids 3+ and 7+. There is a playroom available for very boisterous children, but all are WELCOME in church!



Our music ranges from traditional music played on our beautiful pipe organ to contemporary music with teams of singers, guitars, piano and/or drums.


Cathedral Arts Council

The Cathedral Arts Council is a group whose focus is to fund raise by putting on productions like Baroque and Beyond,  Romantic Rebellion, Songs of Freedom and most recently, The Christmas Carol. The funds are used to enhance the cathedral and make it more user friendly and technically up to date so that groups such as the Music Festival can hold their events there. This will allow access to better lighting, sound, electrical outlets, power point capabilities and most recently a stage. The CAC is on Facebook and can found by searching St. James Cathedral Arts.


Programs and Ceremonies

Include Marriage, Confirmation and Baptism preparation, Marriages, Baptisms and Funerals. Please contact  780-624-2743 to inquire further.



Like all good Anglicans we like to eat! Many of our fellowship opportunities arise around sharing a meal. During Lent our ACW group sponsors Lenten Lunches, where the congregation takes turns bringing soup, bread and cheese to share. It is a greatly anticipated event with many great soup recipes being shared. Other gatherings center around Holy Thursday Foot washing and Altar stripping, Shrove Tuesday pancakes,  September Start Up Sunday Beef on a Bun. Not to be forgotten, there is coffee and goodies almost every Sunday after the service!

