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There are a few ways you can Give electronically.

PAR - Complete the PAR authorization form and place in an enclosed envelope with a void cheque and put in the offering plate or return to the office. The deposit will be withdrawn from your account on the 20th of each month by the United Church of Canada on behalf of our parish (the donation is specific to St James).


E-transfer - Can be set up and sent to;  the church can be sent as a one time payment, or a recurring transaction (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc. whichever meets your needs).  Auto deposit is in place, so the transfer will be accepted immediately, no need to include a security question and password.


 Diocese of Athabasca website - There is a link called Give on their homepage which will take you to an electronic giving page where you are able to select St James Cathedral, Peace River (or any option that you would like).  You can also click here