Peace River Community Soup Kitchen
The Peace River Community Soup Kitchen is a partnership between community businesses, local churches and volunteers, since it’s inception in 2006. St James provides the financial management of the soup kitchen . The soup kitchen has operated out of the St James lower hall Since January 2007.
Hours of operation - The Soup kitchen is offering lunches Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 12 Noon to 1pm at the St James Lower Hall.
For volunteer opportunities and to learn more about the organization please visit their web site:
Sutherland Place Weekly Service
St James holds church service for the residents of Sutherland Place Nursing Home, attached to the Peace River Community Health Centre, every Tuesday at 10 a.m. St James volunteers help to put on the service which is lead by the Dean. A sing-a-long often follows the service. Temporarily on hold.
North Peace Performing Arts Festival
It is St James’ pleasure to host the junior and senior piano, voice, choirs and solo instrumental portions of the North Peace Community Arts Festival held in Peace River each spring. Over 1000 performers participate from all over the North Peace. The festival is an important opportunity for young artists to gain performance experience through the critiquing of a skilled adjudicator. The festival is fundamental to the continuing development of the performing arts in our area. Included are junior and senior piano, voice, musical theatre, choirs, bands and solo instrumental.
The event ends with the Grand Concert, which includes performances by award winning students.
See their web site for more information
On Eagles Wings
On Eagles Wings is an Ecumenical Ministry which operates two Piper Aztec planes to provide a fly-in ministry to remote northern communities. The organization is incorporated as a charitable non-profit corporation in Canada and the US with a head office in Edmonton and an American office in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. On Eagles Wings is officially recognized and endorsed by several Anglican, Lutheran, Moravian and Roman Catholic bodies in Canada and the US.
The Diocese of Athabasca fully endorses this ministry.
St James Anglican Cathedral is proud to be a “Northern Connections” partner with On Eagles Wings and looks forward to enhancing this relationship in the future. Additional information can be found on their web site
Compassion Canada
Compassion Canada works for the poorest of poor children in over 24 developing countries around the world. Compassion Canada is committed to eliminating the root cause of poverty for children around the globe. This is accomplished through the Sponsorship Program.
Additional information on Compassion Canada can be found at their web site
Contact the church office @ 780-624-2743 for more information.